446 questions and answers in this section
Explain why can cuttlefish and octopuses change color so quickly?

Explain why can cuttlefish and octopuses change color so quickly?

The skin of cuttlefish and octopuses is like a living palette. It contains pigments and can reflect light in different ways thanks to special cells. Chromatophores are...

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Explain why kakapos are unable to fly?

Explain why kakapos are unable to fly?

The kakapo, a nocturnal and completely harmless parrot, is one of the heaviest birds in the world. In fact, it can reach an impressive weight...

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Explain why the migratory movements of monarch butterflies are so unique?

Explain why the migratory movements of monarch butterflies are so unique?

Monarch butterflies travel approximately 4800 km between Canada and Mexico. They fly up to 100 km per day, an impressive feat for these insects. By...

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Explain why are marsupials mainly found in Australia?

Explain why are marsupials mainly found in Australia?

Australia has a unique climate with vast deserts, rainforests, and grasslands. These diverse landscapes provide shelters and varied food resources for marsupials. Seasonal rains and...

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Explain why termites are considered natural architects?

Explain why termites are considered natural architects?

Termites are true masters of building. Their constructions can reach impressive heights considering their small size. Imagine a tower built by creatures just a few...

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Explain why do fish need dissolved oxygen in water to survive?

Explain why do fish need dissolved oxygen in water to survive?

Fish breathe for a very simple reason: they need to live. Like us, they require oxygen to convert nutrients from food into energy. Underwater, this...

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Explain why do butterflies only live for a few weeks?

Explain why do butterflies only live for a few weeks?

The lifespan of butterflies is relatively short compared to other organisms. On average, butterflies only live for a few weeks. This short lifespan is due...

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Explain why some seeds only germinate after being eaten by animals?

Explain why some seeds only germinate after being eaten by animals?

Some seeds need to be eaten by animals in order to germinate due to their super tough shells. Animal digestion is like a Swiss army...

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Explain why can horses sleep standing up?

Explain why can horses sleep standing up?

Horses can sleep standing up thanks to an impressive evolutionary adaptation. In the wild, lying down made horses vulnerable to predators. Getting up quickly takes...

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Explain why spiders can walk on vertical surfaces without falling?

Explain why spiders can walk on vertical surfaces without falling?

Spiders have hairs and adhesive claws on their legs. These microscopic structures allow them to cling to surfaces effectively by creating an adhesive force. The...

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