239 questions and answers in this section

Animals and Nature » Biodiversity

Explain why flies always seem to know where the food is located?

Explain why flies always seem to know where the food is located?

Flies have an excellent sense of smell, which is crucial for their survival. Their antennas are covered with specialized sensory cells called sensilla, which detect...

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Explain why some beaches are entirely made up of seashells?

Explain why some beaches are entirely made up of seashells?

Shells accumulate on certain beaches due to various geological, biological, and environmental factors. These shells mainly come from the shells of marine animals such as...

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Explain why Komodo dragons have deadly saliva?

Explain why Komodo dragons have deadly saliva?

The Komodo dragon, also known as the Komodo monitor, is a giant carnivorous reptile belonging to the Varanidae family. It is native to the Indonesian...

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Explain why volcanic islands have unique biodiversity?

Explain why volcanic islands have unique biodiversity?

Volcanic islands are often located far from continental masses, rendering them naturally isolated. Geographic isolation means few exchanges with species from other places. Local species...

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Explain why flies rub their legs?

Explain why flies rub their legs?

Flies rub their legs for different reasons. One of the main reasons is related to cleanliness. Indeed, flies spend a large part of their time...

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Explain why ladybugs are considered lucky charms?

Explain why ladybugs are considered lucky charms?

The ladybug, a small beetle from the Coccinellidae family, is an insect widely recognized for bringing good luck in many cultures around the world. Its...

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Explain why fishing enthusiasts sometimes use corn as bait?

Explain why fishing enthusiasts sometimes use corn as bait?

Corn is an effective bait for fishing for several reasons. First, corn is affordable and easy to find in grocery stores. Additionally, its soft texture...

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Explain why some butterflies mimic the wing patterns of other toxic species?

Explain why some butterflies mimic the wing patterns of other toxic species?

Butterflies that mimic the patterns of the wings of poisonous species do so to protect themselves from predators. This strategy, known as mimicry, allows them...

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Explain why do elephants have a gestation period of 22 months?

Explain why do elephants have a gestation period of 22 months?

The long gestation period of elephants is partly due to the significant weight of the fetus. In fact, a newborn elephant can weigh up to...

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Explain why do succulent plants have thick and fleshy stems?

Explain why do succulent plants have thick and fleshy stems?

Succulent plants have thick, fleshy stems for several reasons. These characteristics are adaptations to extreme environmental conditions. The thick stems allow them to store large...

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