239 questions and answers in this section

Animals and Nature » Biodiversity

Explain why do ants form supercolonies?

Explain why do ants form supercolonies?

Ants can form supercolonies due to their unique genetic potential. This potential allows certain ant species to cooperate and form massive and extensive colonies. Ants...

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Explain why plankton is essential for the balance of the marine ecosystem?

Explain why plankton is essential for the balance of the marine ecosystem?

Plankton is essential for maintaining biodiversity and serving as the basis for the marine food chain. As a diverse group of microorganisms, plankton includes plant...

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Explain why some bird species imitate the sounds they hear?

Explain why some bird species imitate the sounds they hear?

Birds imitate sounds for various reasons, mainly related to communication and reproduction. Imitating surrounding sounds, such as the songs of other birds or the sounds...

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Explain why migratory butterflies travel long distances.

Explain why migratory butterflies travel long distances.

Butterfly migration is primarily motivated by the search for resources and favorable conditions for their reproduction. Butterflies migrate to escape areas where food resources are...

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Explain why snails leave a trail of slime behind them.

Explain why snails leave a trail of slime behind them.

Snails produce slime for different reasons. First, the slime helps them move by reducing friction between their body and the surface they are moving on. It allows...

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Explain why jellyfish glow in the dark and how this bioluminescence helps them survive.

Explain why jellyfish glow in the dark and how this bioluminescence helps them survive.

Jellyfish glow in the dark thanks to a phenomenon called bioluminescence. This ability to produce light is due to the presence of luminescent proteins located...

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Explain why do ants carry leaves bigger than themselves?

Explain why do ants carry leaves bigger than themselves?

Leaf-cutter ants, such as the Atta and Acromyrmex species, are known for carrying leaves that can be up to 50 times larger than themselves. Despite...

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Explain why bees gather nectar by foraging flowers?

Explain why bees gather nectar by foraging flowers?

Pollination is an essential process for the reproduction of flowering plants. Bees play a crucial role in this process by carrying pollen from one flower...

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Explain why bees are essential for the pollination of plants?

Explain why bees are essential for the pollination of plants?

Bees maintain a close relationship with plants, primarily through the process of pollination. This mutualistic interaction is essential for the reproduction and survival of many...

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Explain why bats are essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

Explain why bats are essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

Bats play an essential role in the pollination of many tropical and desert plants, thus contributing to the reproduction and diversity of plant species. By...

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