38 questions and answers in this section

Gastronomy and Cooking » Foods and Ingredients

Explain why did the ancient Greeks drink wine mixed with water?

Explain why did the ancient Greeks drink wine mixed with water?

Wine mixed with water was a common practice in ancient Greece for various reasons. The Greeks of the time believed that mixing wine with water...

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Explain why is maple syrup primarily produced in Quebec?

Explain why is maple syrup primarily produced in Quebec?

Quebec benefits from an ideal climate for maple syrup production. Indeed, the region offers specific weather conditions that promote the flow of sap from sugar...

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Explain why does honey never expire?

Explain why does honey never expire?

Honey has a high antimicrobial potential, mainly due to its sugar content. When bees collect nectar from flowers, they add an enzyme called glucose oxidase...

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Explain why do ice cubes make drinks colder?

Explain why do ice cubes make drinks colder?

When ice cubes are added to a room temperature drink, they will absorb heat from the drink in order to reach their own melting temperature...

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Explain why orange peels leave a lingering scent on your fingers?

Explain why orange peels leave a lingering scent on your fingers?

Orange peels are an aromatic cocktail. They primarily contain d-limonene. This chemical compound accounts for over 90% of the essential oils. But it's not the...

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Explain why does popcorn pop when exposed to heat?

Explain why does popcorn pop when exposed to heat?

The popcorn kernel is particularly unique due to its specific composition. Inside, you'll primarily find starch and a bit of water. Starch is a type...

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Explain why does rice stick together more when it is overcooked?

Explain why does rice stick together more when it is overcooked?

The rice grain is primarily composed of starch, proteins, lipids, and fibers. Starch, which makes up about 70 to 80% of rice, is the star...

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Explain why do chestnuts crack when cooking?

Explain why do chestnuts crack when cooking?

The chestnut is a small marvel of nature, with a unique structure that sets it apart from other nuts. It is encased in a thick, tough shell...

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