230 questions and answers in this section
Explain why is diabetes so serious?

Explain why is diabetes so serious?

Complications related to diabetes are numerous and can affect different organs and systems of the body. The main complications of diabetes include: It is crucial...

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Explain why are CPK levels high?

Explain why are CPK levels high?

Creatine phosphokinases (CPK), also known as creatine kinase, are enzymes present in various tissues of the body, mainly in the muscles, brain, and heart. They...

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Explain why is diabetes so common?

Explain why is diabetes so common?

Modern lifestyles and contemporary eating habits significantly contribute to the increasing incidence of diabetes worldwide. Increased sedentary behavior due to technological advances has led to...

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Explain why does our skin turn red when we feel embarrassed?

Explain why does our skin turn red when we feel embarrassed?

Skin redness, also known as blushing, is a common physiological reaction that can occur in certain situations, especially when a person feels shame. This manifestation...

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Explain why dark circles are black?

Explain why dark circles are black?

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than on the rest of the face. This thinness makes blood vessels more visible, which can give...

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Explain why do teeth turn black?

Explain why do teeth turn black?

Dental discoloration, especially tooth darkening, is a common phenomenon that can be caused by various factors. The main reason behind this phenomenon is the accumulation...

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Explain why do teeth crumble?

Explain why do teeth crumble?

When teeth do not receive a sufficient amount of minerals such as calcium and phosphate, it can lead to mineral loss in the teeth, a...

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Explain why do fingers swell?

Explain why do fingers swell?

Swelling of the fingers, also known as finger edema, can be caused by several factors. In general, finger swelling is due to an accumulation of...

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Explain why do fingers crack?

Explain why do fingers crack?

The finger joints are composed of bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. The bones of the fingers are called phalanges, and they join at joints called...

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Explain why do teeth turn yellow?

Explain why do teeth turn yellow?

Foods often contain natural pigments that can stain teeth. Foods and drinks rich in colored pigments such as tea, coffee, red wine, red fruits, spices, as well...

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