84 questions and answers in this section

Health and Wellness » General Medicine

Explain why do we get canker sores?

Explain why do we get canker sores?

Canker sores are small painful ulcers that form inside the mouth, on the tongue, gums, cheeks or palate. Their origin is not fully understood, but...

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Explain why teenagers have acne.

Explain why teenagers have acne.

One of the main causes of acne in teenagers is increased sebum production. Due to hormonal changes, particularly an increase in androgens, the sebaceous glands...

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Explain why do we sometimes feel dizzy when getting up suddenly?

Explain why do we sometimes feel dizzy when getting up suddenly?

When we get up suddenly, we may experience dizziness. This dizziness may be due to a sudden drop in blood pressure. Indeed, when we go...

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Explain why do we sweat?

Explain why do we sweat?

Sweating is an essential physiological process for the human body. It is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and regulated by sweat glands. When the...

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Explain why do we get hiccups and how to get rid of them?

Explain why do we get hiccups and how to get rid of them?

Hiccups are caused by a sudden and involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, the main muscle of respiration. This contraction leads to a rapid closure of...

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Explain why do some people experience tingling sensations while sleeping?

Explain why do some people experience tingling sensations while sleeping?

When we feel tingling while sleeping, it is usually due to pressure on nerves or blood vessels. Indeed, when we stay in a position that...

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Explain why do veins appear blue on the skin even though blood is red?

Explain why do veins appear blue on the skin even though blood is red?

The color of veins is primarily influenced by the skin pigment. Indeed, the skin contains pigments such as melanin, which absorb and reflect light in...

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Explain why is honey a good healing agent?

Explain why is honey a good healing agent?

Honey has antiseptic properties due to its content of sugars, gluconic acid, and hydrogen peroxide, which give it antibacterial abilities. These elements work together to...

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Explain why do we sneeze with our eyes closed by reflex?

Explain why do we sneeze with our eyes closed by reflex?

When we sneeze, our eyelids involuntarily close in order to protect our eyes from potentially harmful particles that may be expelled into the air during...

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Explain why is blinking necessary?

Explain why is blinking necessary?

The eyelids close to protect the cornea against foreign particles and damage. This rapid and automatic blinking ensures the safety of the eye surface against...

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