76 questions and answers in this section

Health and Wellness » Nutrition and Dietetics

Explain why does lemon make you salivate so much?

Explain why does lemon make you salivate so much?

Lemon is a citrus fruit renowned for its pronounced acidic flavor. This acidity is due to its high content of citric acid, which is a...

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Explain why some foods are more addictive than others?

Explain why some foods are more addictive than others?

Food addiction poses a serious public health problem. It can lead to significant physical, psychological, and social consequences for individuals suffering from it. People affected...

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Explain why the consumption of certain foods can influence our dreams?

Explain why the consumption of certain foods can influence our dreams?

Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit signals between neurons in the brain. Some neurotransmitters play a key role in the regulation of sleep and dreams. One of...

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Explain why can carrots help improve vision?

Explain why can carrots help improve vision?

Carrots contain antioxidant pigments, such as carotenoids. These compounds give carrots their characteristic orange color. Carotenoids, like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants...

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Explain why sugar is addictive?

Explain why sugar is addictive?

Sugar is a particularly attractive substance for many people because of its sweet taste and its pleasant effect on the brain. Several factors explain why...

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Explain why the Codex Alimentarius is important for global food security.

Explain why the Codex Alimentarius is important for global food security.

The Codex Alimentarius is a set of international food standards developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a joint organization of the FAO (Food and Agriculture...

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Explain why are carrots good for health?

Explain why are carrots good for health?

Carrots are rich in vitamins and essential minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and several other beneficial nutrients for health. They...

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Explain why some hot springs are rich in minerals beneficial for health.

Explain why some hot springs are rich in minerals beneficial for health.

Minerals found in hot springs come from various geological processes. Groundwater, as it flows through different rock formations, becomes loaded with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium,...

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Explain why potatoes are often served with meat?

Explain why potatoes are often served with meat?

Potatoes and meat are foods rich in essential nutrients for our health. Together, they offer a complete combination of proteins, iron, vitamins, and minerals necessary...

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Explain why muscles grow after exercise?

Explain why muscles grow after exercise?

When muscles are subjected to intense exercise, it creates a mechanical stress on the muscle fibers. This mechanical stress is essential to induce muscle adaptations, such as...

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