67 questions and answers in this section

Health and Wellness » Wellness and Relaxation

Explain why singing can improve mood and reduce anxiety?

Explain why singing can improve mood and reduce anxiety?

Singing has beneficial effects on the brain. Studies show that when we sing, several brain regions are activated. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for cognitive control, is solicited....

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Explain why is gratitude beneficial for well-being?

Explain why is gratitude beneficial for well-being?

Gratitude is beneficial for strengthening positive emotions. Studies have shown that practicing gratitude regularly can increase the level of happiness felt on a daily basis. By expressing...

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Explain why is paradoxical sleep essential for emotional well-being?

Explain why is paradoxical sleep essential for emotional well-being?

REM sleep plays a crucial role in emotion processing. During this stage of sleep, the brain is particularly active, and studies have shown that REM...

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Explain why does sleeping in complete darkness promote better sleep?

Explain why does sleeping in complete darkness promote better sleep?

Light has a significant impact on our internal biological clock. When we are exposed to light, especially blue light emitted by screens of our electronic...

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Explain why do indoor plants increase our well-being?

Explain why do indoor plants increase our well-being?

Indoor plants contribute to improving air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen during the process of photosynthesis. Moreover, they can also filter common...

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Explain why our dreams sometimes include physical sensations experienced during sleep?

Explain why our dreams sometimes include physical sensations experienced during sleep?

Neuroscientists propose different explanations to understand why our dreams sometimes include physical sensations felt during sleep. One theory suggests that the regions of the brain...

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Explain why exposure to blue light from screens can disrupt sleep?

Explain why exposure to blue light from screens can disrupt sleep?

The blue light emitted by electronic devices screens, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, can disrupt the circadian rhythm. This biological rhythm, also known as...

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Explain why do some people have difficulty falling asleep in a new environment?

Explain why do some people have difficulty falling asleep in a new environment?

When individuals find themselves in a new environment, it is common to feel stress and anxiety. These negative emotions can disrupt the natural process of...

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Explain why does exposure to natural light influence sleep?

Explain why does exposure to natural light influence sleep?

Natural light affects the circadian rhythm, also known as the internal biological clock, which regulates the wake-sleep cycles over a period of about 24 hours. This clock...

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Explain why is sleep important?

Explain why is sleep important?

During sleep, the brain actively works to consolidate memories and strengthen long-term memory. This important process is essential for assimilating and retaining newly acquired information. Several stages...

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