1256 questions and answers in this section
Explain why does the horizon always seem to recede when we move forward?

Explain why does the horizon always seem to recede when we move forward?

Perspective and distance play a crucial role in the perception of the horizon, which seems to recede as we move forward. Indeed, according to the...

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Explain why does ice stick to our tongue in winter?

Explain why does ice stick to our tongue in winter?

Pure water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius to form ice. Water molecules bond together through hydrogen bonds to create a solid crystalline structure. Impurities in...

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Explain why does the day last 24 hours?

Explain why does the day last 24 hours?

The Earth completes a full rotation on itself in about 24 hours. This rotation movement is responsible for the day-night cycle that we observe. The...

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Explain why boxwoods turn yellow?

Explain why boxwoods turn yellow?

Boxwoods are often subject to attacks by various parasites and diseases that can cause their leaves to turn yellow. Among the most common parasites are...

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Explain why does the baobab store water in its trunk?

Explain why does the baobab store water in its trunk?

The baobab has a unique water storage capacity thanks to several physiological adaptations that allow it to survive in arid environments. Indeed, baobabs live in...

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Explain why do the Earth's magnetic poles move?

Explain why do the Earth's magnetic poles move?

The Earth's magnetic field is an invisible shield that surrounds the planet. It is generated by the movement of molten metals within the Earth's outer...

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Explain why do some cultures use stones as a means of navigation?

Explain why do some cultures use stones as a means of navigation?

Light polarization is a phenomenon that occurs when light waves vibrate in a specific plane. This means that the oscillations of the electric and magnetic...

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Explain why does Mount Everest continue to rise?

Explain why does Mount Everest continue to rise?

Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that explains the structure and movements of the Earth's lithosphere in rigid plates that float on the more ductile...

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Explain why do termites build naturally ventilated mounds?

Explain why do termites build naturally ventilated mounds?

Termite mounds are true marvels of natural architecture. Essentially, they are giant structures built with soil, saliva, and other organic materials. They can reach impressive...

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Explain why some types of glass are more resistant to scratches than others.

Explain why some types of glass are more resistant to scratches than others.

Glass resists scratches thanks to its chemical composition. The main ingredients: silica (sand), sodium oxide (soda), and calcium oxide (lime). More resistant glasses, like those...

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