1211 questions and answers in this section
Explain why were carrots originally purple?

Explain why were carrots originally purple?

Originally, carrots were purple and not orange at all. Domesticated in Central Asia, they were cultivated for their edible roots. Wild carrots had varied colors, often white...

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Explain why temperatures in underground caves are generally stable?

Explain why temperatures in underground caves are generally stable?

Subterranean caves often form in limestone rocks. These rocks slowly dissolve in acidic water, creating cavities. The process takes millions of years. The formation of...

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Explain why do some fish emit electric shocks?

Explain why do some fish emit electric shocks?

Electric fish are fascinating. These aquatic creatures produce electric discharges for various reasons. They possess electrogenic organs, specialized structures for generating electricity. These organs are...

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Explain why is the Dead Sea so salty?

Explain why is the Dead Sea so salty?

The Dead Sea is located in a region with a very hot and dry climate. Under these conditions, the water evaporates at an astonishing rate. The rapid...

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Explain why do some volcanoes deserve the term supervolcanoes?

Explain why do some volcanoes deserve the term "supervolcanoes"?

Supervolcanoes form where enormous magma reservoirs accumulate beneath the Earth's crust. This magma is very viscous. It cannot flow easily. As a result, immense pressure...

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Explain why are roses one of the most common symbols of love?

Explain why are roses one of the most common symbols of love?

The rose has been a symbol of love for millennia. In ancient Greece, the goddess Aphrodite, associated with love, was often depicted with roses. The...

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Explain why does the Earth's rotation slowly slow down over time?

Explain why does the Earth's rotation slowly slow down over time?

Tidal forces are generated by the gravitational attraction of the Moon on the Earth. This attraction creates giant waves in the oceans, called tides. As...

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Explain why do the bacteria in our intestines influence our mood?

Explain why do the bacteria in our intestines influence our mood?

The gut is often called the "second brain." There is a vast highway of nerves called the vagus nerve that connects our gut to our...

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Explain why some volcanic islands increase in size year after year?

Explain why some volcanic islands increase in size year after year?

Deep within the Earth, magma is constantly in motion. It's this liquid rock. Under pressure, it is always seeking an exit and often ends up...

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Explain why Pluto is no longer considered a planet.

Explain why Pluto is no longer considered a planet.

A planet is a celestial body that orbits the Sun (or another star) and possesses enough mass to have an almost spherical shape due to...

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