Gravitational force is a fundamental interaction of nature, governed by the law of universal gravitation formulated by Isaac Newton in the 17th century. This law...
Butter is mainly composed of fats, water, and proteins. Fats represent about 80% of butter, while water makes up about 15%. Proteins, on the other...
Yeast is a unicellular microorganism that has been used for millennia to leaven bread dough. When rehydrated and fed with sugars present in the flour, yeast starts...
The UVB rays of the sun penetrate human skin up to the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. These rays have a specific wavelength, ranging from...
The leaves of trees contain several types of pigments that give them their characteristic colors. The most commonly present pigments in leaves are chlorophylls, responsible...
At the heart of the stars, a constant nuclear reaction takes place, mainly the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. This fusion process releases a...
When we observe the Moon on the horizon, it often appears larger than it actually is. This phenomenon, known as lunar illusion, is a deceptive...
Plants that can tolerate very acidic soils have developed various adaptation mechanisms to thrive in such conditions. Among these mechanisms, one can mention the ability...
Cats are nocturnal animals by nature, which means they are more active at night than during the day. Their eyes are adapted for night vision, thanks to...
Green bananas mainly contain chlorophyll, a green pigment found in many plants. As bananas ripen, chlorophyll breaks down and allows other pigments to appear. Among...