145 questions and answers in this section

Natural Sciences » Chemistry

Explain why water freezes at 0°C?

Explain why water freezes at 0°C?

Water is a molecule made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Due to the difference in electronegativity between oxygen and hydrogen, the...

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Explain why sugar melts in water?

Explain why sugar melts in water?

Each molecule of glucose contains six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms, while each molecule of fructose contains six carbon atoms, twelve...

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Explain why sparkling water can make the batter crispier?

Explain why sparkling water can make the batter crispier?

Sparkling water is mainly composed of water, carbon dioxide, mineral ions, and sometimes other additives such as natural or artificial flavors and sweeteners. The water...

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Explain why bread becomes crispy when baking?

Explain why bread becomes crispy when baking?

During the baking of bread, the loss of moisture is a key element of the process that helps to make the crust crispy. When the...

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Explain why is Marie Curie the only woman to have received two Nobel Prizes in different scientific fields?

Explain why is Marie Curie the only woman to have received two Nobel Prizes in different scientific fields?

Marie Curie revolutionized the fields of physics and chemistry with her scientific contributions. She is primarily known for her discovery of the radioactive elements polonium...

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Explain why crumpled paper appears smaller than smooth paper?

Explain why crumpled paper appears smaller than smooth paper?

Smooth paper is mainly composed of regularly aligned cellulose fibers. These fibers are made up of long chains of cellulose molecules, a polysaccharide found in...

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Explain why a chemical reaction occurs when mixing vinegar and baking soda.

Explain why a chemical reaction occurs when mixing vinegar and baking soda.

When you mix vinegar and baking soda, the components of the reaction are vinegar (also called acetic acid) and baking soda (or sodium carbonate). Vinegar...

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Explain why soda bubbles fizz and burst in the mouth.

Explain why soda bubbles fizz and burst in the mouth.

Bubbles form in soda due to the presence of dissolved carbon dioxide in the liquid. When soda is bottled, it is under pressure, which forces...

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Explain why does soap create foam in water?

Explain why does soap create foam in water?

Soap molecules are composed of two distinct parts: a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end. The hydrophilic end is attracted to water, while the hydrophobic...

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Explain why bleach can whiten clothes.

Explain why bleach can whiten clothes.

Bleach is a liquid solution used for its disinfectant properties, especially for whitening clothes. Its chemical composition is quite simple: it is mainly composed of...

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