202 questions and answers in this section

Natural Sciences » Meteorology

Explain why cumulonimbus clouds are associated with violent weather phenomena.

Explain why cumulonimbus clouds are associated with violent weather phenomena.

Cumulonimbus clouds generally form when there is strong atmospheric convection. This convection process is triggered by a temperature difference between the ground and the air...

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Explain why warm air can hold more moisture than cold air?

Explain why warm air can hold more moisture than cold air?

The air contains water molecules in the form of water vapor. These water molecules are constantly present in the atmosphere, even if they are not...

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Explain why the wind can sometimes smell like rain?

Explain why the wind can sometimes smell like rain?

The substances carried by the wind can include dust particles, pollen, fungal spores, as well as bacteria and viruses. In addition, odors from plants, flowers, animals, or...

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Explain why do mountains influence the formation of clouds?

Explain why do mountains influence the formation of clouds?

Clouds are formed thanks to the condensation of water vapor present in the atmosphere. When warm and humid air cools down, the water vapor it...

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Explain why rain can clean polluted air.

Explain why rain can clean polluted air.

Acid rain forms when atmospheric pollutants, such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides, react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the atmosphere to form acids. These pollutants...

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Explain why does the wind blow in different directions?

Explain why does the wind blow in different directions?

Atmospheric pressure differences greatly influence the direction and speed of the wind. Indeed, the wind moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas. Warm...

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Explain why it can snow even when it is warm?

Explain why it can snow even when it is warm?

In the atmosphere, the temperature varies depending on the altitude. Generally, the temperature decreases as you go higher. This decrease in temperature is what is...

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Explain why tornadoes often form after a period of intense heat.

Explain why tornadoes often form after a period of intense heat.

When temperatures are high, the air near the Earth's surface tends to warm up more quickly. This leads to an increase in atmospheric instability, as...

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Explain why kites fly higher in summer.

Explain why kites fly higher in summer.

Kites fly higher in the summer due to stronger summer winds. During this time of the year, air currents are generally more intense, providing additional...

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Explain why heat can make the air more humid?

Explain why heat can make the air more humid?

The evaporation of water into the air is a fundamental natural process that occurs constantly around us. When liquid water is exposed to the air, the water...

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