202 questions and answers in this section

Natural Sciences » Meteorology

Explain why some people are more sensitive to temperature changes and how to cope with it.

Explain why some people are more sensitive to temperature changes and how to cope with it.

Sensitivity to changes in temperature varies from one person to another due to various biological, physiological, and environmental factors. One key factor to consider is...

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Explain why rainbows can sometimes form complete circles?

Explain why rainbows can sometimes form complete circles?

The formation of rainbows is mainly due to the refraction and reflection of light inside water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. When sunlight comes into...

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Explain why does the mirage phenomenon occur on hot roads?

Explain why does the mirage phenomenon occur on hot roads?

Light refraction is an optical phenomenon that occurs when light changes medium, moving from one medium to another where its propagation speed is different. This...

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Explain why raindrops are sometimes round and sometimes flattened?

Explain why raindrops are sometimes round and sometimes flattened?

The formation of raindrops begins with the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. When the air cools down, it becomes saturated with humidity, causing...

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Explain why some countries change their time in summer and winter?

Explain why some countries change their time in summer and winter?

The implementation of daylight saving time is motivated by several reasons. One of the main reasons is the search for energy savings. By advancing the...

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Explain why do tornadoes rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?

Explain why do tornadoes rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?

Tornadoes generally form in environments where masses of warm and humid air collide with cold air. This phenomenon most commonly occurs during severe thunderstorms, where...

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Explain why waterfalls sometimes create rainbows?

Explain why waterfalls sometimes create rainbows?

When a drop of water is exposed to sunlight, white light is decomposed into its different wavelengths. This process of light dispersion is called refraction. Water droplets...

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Explain why can lightning be visible from miles away?

Explain why can lightning be visible from miles away?

Lightning occurs when there is a strong development of electric charges inside storm clouds. These charges can be positive or negative, and separate within the...

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Explain why tornadoes can form quickly in just a few minutes.

Explain why tornadoes can form quickly in just a few minutes.

Tornadoes form quickly in just a few minutes due to the combination of several intense meteorological factors. These violent whirlwinds generally form in favorable atmospheric...

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Explain why can wind turn wind turbines to produce electricity?

Explain why can wind turn wind turbines to produce electricity?

Wind turbines operate thanks to the kinetic energy of the wind. When the wind blows, the blades of the wind turbine start moving. This movement...

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