Pistol shrimp, from the Alpheidae family, are known for their unique ability to produce "bubble balls" when hunting their prey. This fascinating behavior originates from...
Sunlight is an essential factor influencing the temperature of the ocean. Solar energy is absorbed differently depending on the depth of the water. At the...
Some marine animals produce light to find a mate. This bioluminescence is used in the mating process to allow individuals to signal to each other...
The deep sea abysses are characterized by extreme environmental conditions, especially in terms of pressure and darkness. Pressure increases significantly with depth. For every 10...
The Southern Ocean is one of the noisiest places on the planet due to various sources of noise. The main sources of noise in this...
The Titanic was a luxury liner built at the end of the 19th century. It measured approximately 269 meters long and 28 meters wide. Its...
The oceans are saltier near the equator due to a phenomenon related to precipitation and evaporation. When water evaporates from the ocean's surface, dissolved salts...
Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude. At the surface of the Earth, it is about 1013 millibars or 1013 hPa. When diving into water, pressure increases...
The ice of icebergs is mainly composed of water in solid form. At the molecular level, water crystallizes by forming a hexagonal structure, which gives...
Ocean currents result from the rotation of the Earth. This phenomenon is mainly due to an effect called the "Coriolis force". When water moves on...