The Bay of Fundy is located on the east coast of Canada, between the provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It is renowned for...
Atmospheric pressure corresponds to the force exerted by the air on the Earth's surface. It is caused by the weight of the air molecules that...
The speed of sound in water is faster than in air, because the density of water is higher than that of air. On average, sound...
Sea water is composed of dissolved salts, such as sodium chloride (NaCl), magnesium, and calcium. These salts come from various sources such as rocks and...
Underwater canyons are shaped by geological processes similar to those on land. They are primarily formed by the action of turbidity currents, which are underwater...
Waves are formed by the wind blowing on the surface of the ocean. When the wind passes over the water, it transfers some of its...
Deep-sea fish live in total darkness. Their retractable jaws are adaptations for hunting in this environment. They allow for quick and silent movement, essential for...
Sunlight is composed of several colors. When it enters the water, each color behaves differently. Red, for example, is absorbed quickly. This is why at...
Tsunamis disperse because they carry immense energy over a vast expanse of water. In the open sea, they seem weak and go unnoticed because their...
The Earth is influenced by the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon. The Moon has a stronger effect because it is much closer...