70 questions and answers in this section

Society and Politics » Daily Life and Society

Explain why do teenagers lie?

Explain why do teenagers lie?

Social pressure can push teenagers to lie for several reasons. First of all, young people may feel compelled to lie to meet the expectations of...

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Explain why do students smoke?

Explain why do students smoke?

Social pressure is an important factor that can push students to start or continue smoking. Students may feel influenced by their peers, who may smoke...

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Explain why are guns allowed in the USA?

Explain why are guns allowed in the USA?

The widespread presence of firearms in the United States finds its roots in a complex and varied historical perspective. From the early days of European...

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Explain why are the buttoning of clothes different for each gender?

Explain why are the buttoning of clothes different for each gender?

The origins of the reversed buttoning of clothing according to gender date back to a time when clothing was considered objects of social status and...

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Explain why do some countries ban electoral polls before elections?

Explain why do some countries ban electoral polls before elections?

Election polls can influence public opinion by creating a "bandwagon" effect, where voters follow the popular vote, or an "underdog" effect, where voters support the...

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Explain why are the sabers used in fencing flexible?

Explain why are the sabers used in fencing flexible?

The swords used in fencing are weapons specifically designed for the practice of this sport. They stand out for their elaborate structure which combines lightness...

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Explain why are elections held on Sundays?

Explain why are elections held on Sundays?

Elections take place on a Sunday to allow the largest number of citizens to vote. By choosing a day of rest, such as Sunday, it...

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Explain why does the city of Slab City (in the United States) attract so many outcasts and artists in the desert?

Explain why does the city of Slab City (in the United States) attract so many outcasts and artists in the desert?

Slab City, nestled in California near the small town of Niland, is in the middle of the Sonoran Desert. Originally, it was a military camp...

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Explain why does the city of Auroville (in India) claim to be a universal city without money or religion?

Explain why does the city of Auroville (in India) claim to be a universal city without money or religion?

Auroville was founded in 1968, a visionary project initiated by Mirra Alfassa, also known as The Mother. She was a close collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, an Indian...

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Explain why are stop signs red with white inscriptions?

Explain why are stop signs red with white inscriptions?

Stop signs have a fascinating history. The first stop signs appeared in the United States in the 1910s. They were not red but yellow, as...

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